Project Leader
ETH Zurich professor Min. 50 % position for the intended duration of the project.
Project Partner
Research clinician from a hospital institution in Switzerland Must have a doctoral degree, be independent and may have a faculty position at a university or medical school.
One to two junior investigator(s) Typically at the postdoctoral / clinical resident level.
Scope Applications are sought that propose new approaches to the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of hematological malignancies, lymphomas and related pre-malignant conditions.
Application procedure Please send the Research Proposal and all other required documents, as one single PDF file to The Scientific Evaluation Committee is responsible for the evaluation of applications. Proposals are assessed in the first step, after which selected candidates may be invited for an interview. The Evaluation Committee will make its funding recommendation to the Vice President Research at ETH Zurich, who makes the final funding decision.

Each project can initially be financed up to a maximum of CHF 400,000 for a period of two years.

Eligible costs must be directly linked to the project and must be justified in the proposal. The funding granted may include:
– Postdoctoral salaries (standard salary rates are applicable)
– Cost for consumables / research supplies
– Contractual agreements
– Service / usage fees for facilities / technology platforms
– Travel expenses
– Costs to harmonize datasets (patient data, omics data)


Submission deadline:
30 June 2025, 23:59 CET

ETH Lymphoma Grantees 2025 should start their research before the end of 2025.